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You have Uterine Fibroids, What's next ?

For the past few weeks you have been feeling some kind of uncomfortableness or some times pain near your uterus area. The pain can be there for a few days and gone for a couple then it came back again. You are not sure what causes this kind of inconsistent type of pains and it's definitely not period pain. Then you went for a check up with your regular doctor and after running a few checks here and there he or she said that you are a having Uterine Fibroids. Well, you are not alone. Up to 40% of American women 35 and older have uterine fibroids. Uterine fibroids are extremely common. In fact, hundreds of thousands of American women have hysterectomies every year because of complications caused by fibroids. But did you know that research shows that only 10% of hysterectomies are medically necessary? Going through hysterectomy is a major surgery, it can sometimes requiring a month or more of recovery time. In addition, a complete hysterectomy induces premature menopaus...

Why You Should Keep Quiet About Infertility ?

Why you should keep quiet about infertility ?  Of course, I kept quiet about it. Are you nuts ? You want me to scream about my infertility on facebook, twitter, tumblr and so on. If you think that I am nuts, try going to pinterest or tumblr and search or key in the word "infertility" and see what comes out. What you'll see will shock you if this is your first time doing so. You'll find tons of "screaming tittle" related to "I am infertile, fighting it and writing out loud about it" . You got a problem with that ? I don't have but some people might. Some people will tell you that this is a private issue to deal with and they choose to keep quiet about it. Nothing wrong with that. But ... the question remains as "Will you choose to remain infertile forever or would you want to get out of this infertility circle ? " I was once "inside " the circle and also wished to be quiet by choice. But trust me .....

Why Use Vitex for Fertility ?

You probably have heard of Vitex over and over again from our parents or even grand parents. The story of how an infertile woman became pregnant after taking Vitex for a period of time being told from generation to generation. But this time you are going to really get to know Vitex and it's powerful role towards infertility. It's Origin Vitex  is a stunning bush belonging to Greece as well as Italy whose berries have actually been utilized in organic medication for centuries. It is taken into consideration among one of the most preferred natural herbs in Europe and also various other Western countries for the assistance of gynecological imbalances. Modern scientific research study and also typical usage of  Vitex  have actually revealed its remarkable capability to assist equilibrium fertility hormonal agents. Considering that  Vitex  does not have hormonal agents, it has an encouraging, non and also mild straight activity on the body....

"I'm tired of waiting. I'm going for IVF"

You wake up earlier than your neighbours. You put on your best sneakers and hit the road 5am in the morning going for a jog. Then you repeat again day in day out. Reason being, you are getting ready for your IVF by staying as fit as you can. Putting your body at a tip top condition so that it's ready to take up whatever challenges that IVF is going to throw in. If you have been doing that day in day out ...Congratulations ! You have just started your first step. The first step of getting your body or health in good shape before embarking on the IVF journey. Adding a glass or two fruit juices would definitely boost your morning sensation of feeling good. I stress on having a good health or body is because this will be your basic foundation towards a successful IVF treatment. To have a strong good body is one thing but to have a strong and healthy body is another level of challenge. But WAIT ! Just like our car, before it ...